Super Scones (the science of baking the perfect scone)
(I didn’t have time to buy clotted cream on this occasion… but full-on sloshing of jam will just have to do! ^^ Personally, I like to drink cold milk with my scones rather than tea.)
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♡♡♡ It’s recipe time!! ♡♡♡
This time, I would like to share with you my take on scones. How I think it should taste & how it should look.
Scones are honest, no-frills things aren’t they, there’s no fancy decorations to hide any flaws. And it’s because of that, that it’s all the more important to execute the baking well. When it comes out of the oven, they all ought to look pretty much uniform, & not collapsed lopsided or look like a collection of rocks. There should definitely be a side ways jaggedy break going through the middle, made from when the dough had risen, hinting at how deliciously soft the inside might be like. (Is there a name for this break? The Japanese call it ‘the wolf’s mouth’!)
I think it should look unfussy &Â inviting, perhaps even goes as far as being evocative of the laid-back cream teas served by local ladies in pinnies down in the depths of devonshire countryside.
Upon creating any of my own recipes, I always set about understanding the ingredients involved & how each plays its part. You know me, I love puzzing up my puzzler when concerned with baking. Afterall “baking is a science” & it’s my firm belief that if you understand the logic, you’re more likely to get a successful result. Not only that, when you vanish the question marks in your head, you would enjoy baking better too! – So here’s what I know about scone science in a Q&A format.
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Q: Why do we rub in the butter to the flour?
We rub in the butter to coat the flour so that it doesn’t soak up the wet ingredients as much as if otherwise. The butter fat acts as a barrier around the flour to stop gluten from developing too much. Gluten in cakes, as we know, creates structure which is important, but it also makes the cake firmer.
Q:Â Why do we use cold butter?
Now, this is perhaps ‘the’ crucial part of the recipe. Utilize this bit of info & you will undoubtably bake super scones. People who know how puff pastry works will understand this better I think.
So you think that it’s the baking powder that is doing all that lifting action right? No siree, there’s a bit more to it. – When the solid bits of butter encased in dough is rapidly heated in the oven, the water contents of the butter evaporates in to air bubbles, & it consequently lifts the gluten structure.
For this reason, you know not to handle the dough with warm hands so as not to melt the butter prior to baking. And as cumbersome as it may be, we use the back of the fork (or even better with special pastry blenders) to rub in the butter.
This bit of science also answers why the recipe has a high oven temperature setting. We want the butter to powerfully evaporate in the extreme heat, rather than slowly melt & sink in to the flour & wet it, creating excess gluten.
Also, here’s a top tip: if you are baking in the summer, it may be an idea to cool your bowl & utensils in the fridge first! And while you are working, you can put an ice pack under the bowl!
Q:Â Why do we rest the dough in the fridge?
Part of the reason lies in the above answer = that the butter within has to be kept cold. Another worthy reason is to relax the gluten strands, one, to produce fluffy texture, & second, to avoid shrinking when it bakes (the rested dough is less elastic).
Q:Â What does milk do in baking?
Milk has a a particular & richer mouthfeel, what with its certain subtle sweetness, thickness & slight acidity. Â The liquidity delvelops gluten when mixed with flour & structures the baked goods. And the natural sugar in milk lactose, aswell as the fat, tenderizes the baked goods & makes for moist texture without it being soggy. Milk in baked goods also extends the shelf-life. And the sugar interacting with protein browns the baked goods more readily too.
Q:Â Why does your recipe call for the egg wash to be done twice?
Two egg washes with a rest in the fridge in-between to dry the first wash, will darken the top of the scones better & make the scones aesthetically more pleasing. It also gives it a shiny surface & is very smooth to the touch. I personally think that it helps to make the scone look one-rank up & a little more sophisticated.
So the key tips to making perfect scones are as follows:
- Use cold butter.
- Don’t dawdle. Work efficiently to avoid butter melting in room temperature.
- Rest the dough in the fridge for more than 30 minutes.
- Bake at high oven temperature.
After all the above science-y chalk-talk, I’m probably scaring you away from making these, but please fear not!! Making these scones, you’d never look back to purchase one in the shops! I am so super happy with this recipe! ^^Â It is actually super easy, super amazing, super moreish!
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Coco&Me’s super scones recipe
(Yield: It depends on the size of your cutters obviously, but I can make about 7 scones, using my 6.8cm round cutter)
90g salted butter (Â I like using salted butter. If using unsalted, also add a pinch of salt.)
300g plain flour
15g baking powder
45g caster sugar
125ml cold milk
egg yolk for brushing the top surface
- 1. First thing first, cut 90 grams of butter into tiniest cubes possible & place in a large, deep-walled mixing bowl. Refrigerate this bowl with the butter until needed.
- 2. Sieve in 300 grams of flour. (If using unsalted butter, add the pinch of salt in this step.)
- 3. Using the back of the fork (or a special pastry blender if you have one), cut the butter in to the flour. Try to work quickly to avoid the butter from melting. (If you think that the butter is getting soft, place the bowl in the fridge until firm & then work again.Or try my tip & place an ice-pack underneath your bowl.)
- 4. When the butter lumps are as small as a grain of rice, sieve in 15 grams of baking powder.
- 5. Next, toss in the 45 grams of sugar.
- 6. Pour in 125ml of milk & quickly work it in to the flour mixture to form a ball of dough. Here, use a spatula for most of the work, & then your hands at the end only to gather it in to a ball. Next, knead it until it is less bumpy. But also keep in mind to never over-work the dough so as not to produce gluten.
- 7. Cling film it tightly & refrigerate for more than 30 minutes.
- 8. After the 30 minutes rest, flour the work surface. Using the rolling pin, roll the dough flat to 2.5 to 3cm height.
- 9. Then proceed to cut discs out. Very lightly flour the insides of the round cutter, & with equal force from straight above, cut in to the dough. Never twist the cutter or else you will get a lopsided scone.
- 10. Place the discs on to the baking tray lined with baking sheet. Here, when moving the discs, never ever touch the cut sides.
- 11. Brush the top surface with loosened egg yolk. Brush to the edges, but be careful not to let the egg wash drool down the sides.
- 12. Rest it in the fridge again until the egg wash is dry to the touch (approximately 10 minutes).
- 13. In the meantime, proceed to pre-heat the oven to 210 degrees centigrade.
- 14. Brush on the egg wash for the second time.
- 15. Place tray in the oven for about 10 to 12 minutes (dependent of size of your scones). Turn the oven sheet half way baking to ensure even heat/ even rise.
- 16. Best served warm!! xx
(By the way, it’s best to align the scone discs diagonally on the baking tray. The hot oven air flows better to each & individual discs better than if the discs were horizontally aligned.)
(Did you know, the proper way to split open the baked scone is not with a knife but by fingers, right where the crack is!) Â
Lastly, scone trivia!
Do you spread the jam above or under the clotted cream? Cornwall has the jam underneath & Devon has theirs above (I’m a jam on top girl by the way).
They look delicious! I love plain scones and I always put the jam first so that I can put lots of clotted cream on top!
Comment by sakura - June 14, 2012 2:19 pm
Sakura, thank you!!!!! ^^ Yeah, I like plain scones too – I’m not a big fan of sultanas inside…!! Sakura, you have the same name as my daughter, & writing this reply to you is kinda strange!!! ^^ xx
Comment by tamami - June 14, 2012 3:15 pm
T, I have never had scones of either the UK or USA type (I understand ours are much sweeter and have fruit, etc, added in). Visually yours appear to be more like what we call biscuits here in the US, and we put butter and jam and/or honey on them, or a savory meat gravy. I wonder if this recipe wouldn’t be just delicious used as a base for a strawberry shortcake-type dessert. Or would that be sacrilege?! (I am not a fan of the strange spongey cake some use for strawberry shortcake here, and like something more substantial and not as sweet since the strawberries and whipped cream are sweet enough.) Anyway, your scientific explanations have inspired me to try this recipe. I do wish fresh clotted cream was available here to try, but I only see it sometimes in jars and am hesitant to try that. Or is that acceptable? Thanks so much for taking the time to post this!
Comment by Heidy - June 14, 2012 3:27 pm
Hello Heidy!!! Yay!! Please do try this recipe!! If you haven’t tried scones before, I should warn you that it is not overly sweet, hence why we eat it with the jam, etc. Like you mention, it becomes a vessel for toppings of choice, although savoury gravy version you said is a new concept I never heard of!
– I haven’t tried the US version scone – I have seen the recipes on the net ofcourse – it is much sweeter I heard. I also haven’t tried the US version of strawberry cake either! In Japan, we have strawberry cake too, but the sponge & cream version.
– And oh no! No clotted cream in your area??! Probably best though, it’s ultra rich & calorific! :) And in jars?! Hm, another thing I haven’t heard of! Interesting@@!
– Do let me know how you get on with the baking!! xx
Comment by tamami - June 14, 2012 3:40 pm
Thank you for this lovely recipe, your scones look absolutely scrumptious! I made scones once and they were not bad but I am sure that your recipe is better so I will try again. Jam or clotted cream on top? I guess I put the jam first but I don’t think I am very strict about that :)
Comment by Caroline - June 14, 2012 4:15 pm
Caroline, Cheers! ^^ Please have a go with this recipe also! And let me know how you get on! I was thinking…, publishing recipes on this blog, & getting people from around the world, baking it with their different ovens, is like doing a mass experiment / research in to wether the recipe is good or not! And how fabulous is that?! Don’t you think? xx
Comment by Tamami - June 14, 2012 7:08 pm
hihi Tamami,
good to see you are back writing ur blog again :)
i am leaving the big smoke for good next month so will try and pop down to Broadway to say goodbye – are you still doing the markets?
Comment by Little Chan - June 14, 2012 7:52 pm
Little Chan…!!! What?!! You’re leaving LDN? I suppose you’re sticking to the plans you mentioned right? Ohhhh, Good Luck!!!! Hope to see you before you leave then!! I’m at the market every Sat this month & next month! xx
Comment by tamami - June 14, 2012 8:58 pm
I love making scones! I have never made plain ones, since we don’t have good clotted cream here in the US (at least where I live) but I should try your recipe! I always use heavy cream, as milk made my dough too sticky.
Comment by Jessica - June 14, 2012 9:07 pm
Jessica, please have a go at this recipe! I adjusted the amount of milk so that it is just right for the dough to not get sticky to work with! xx As for clotted cream, I think eating it with just jam is good too! xx
Comment by tamami - June 14, 2012 11:12 pm
Scones remind me so much of the Enid Blyton novels I used to read (and still do). When I was a young girl I did not even know what scones were but I drooled over them all the same. I have never tried baking them but your explanations are so good that I cannot resist. I completely agree that the science behind it is very important, espcially for novices like me. I often tend to leave out steps thinking that they are not very important, only to discover later to my dismay that my entire cake collapsed or is too spongy .
Thank you Tamami, for the detailed explanations and the fabulous recipe. I cannot appreciate your generosity enough :) I am going to try these over the weekend and let you know how they turned out.
Love as always
Comment by Poornima - June 15, 2012 3:45 pm
I make scones for my husbands restaurant down in Devon, as summer is getting closer we seem to be selling more and more!
Have you tried dusting the top with flour instead of egg glazing? It makes the scones lovely and soft.
The other thing we sell a lot of are cheese scones, made with mustard powder and a pinch of cayenne, and of course nothing but the finest west country mature cheddar……fab for a cheeky breakfast treat!
Comment by Hen - June 15, 2012 9:43 pm
Oh, Yum! Trying this tomorrow morning :))
I slice & put jam in the middle (this way I still get some while sharing with the grandchildren ;)
Comment by Jonquil - June 15, 2012 9:57 pm
Poormina, Enid Blyton!! It makes me smile that you mention her. My son got introduced to reading on his own with a Blyton book, The magic faraway tree. Every chapter in it was so interesting for him. And since then, has been a big fan & bought & read atleast 20 books of hers! Anyway, thanks for always leaving a lovely comment! t xx
Hen, Cheese scones…!!? Yum! So you make scones for a living, in Devon!? Oooooh, sounds authentic! Yours must be sooooo good, I wish I lived near you to learn from you!! t xx
Jonquil, oh my! Let me know how it goes!!! And I do hope your grandchildren like it too!!!!! Happy baking!! And all the best! t xx
Comment by tamami - June 16, 2012 1:44 am
Thanks for the lesson in scone science! Mine never seem to rise properly, even when I use a recipe that calls for loads of baking powder… so now I know why. I’ll definitely be trying your recipe next time I make scones (and will remember the tip about chilling the dough regardless of what recipe I use in future).
As to the jam/clotted cream question, I usually just have jam (or butter and jam, in which case, jam on top of butter). I’ve also been known to eat them plain straight from the oven! xx
Comment by Rachel - June 16, 2012 2:49 pm
My new cheat when making pastry is to take butter straight from the fridge and grate it directly into the flour – it’s super fast and means it’s already chopped into small pieces so really easy to rub into the flour.
Comment by Elemjay - June 16, 2012 5:17 pm
hi rachel! let me know how you get on, when you do bake!! I’ll be very curious!! xx
Elemjay, I’ve heard of grating frozen butter, but not refrigerated butter!! How interesting!! Cheers for the tip!! xx
Comment by Tamami - June 17, 2012 9:23 am
Thanks for a very useful post, especially the science bit. I made scones the other day before I saw this post and although they were very edible I didn’t get the ‘wolf’s mouth’. The bits I didn’t do which I will try next time are rubbing the flour in with a fork and letting the dough rest.
I bought self-raising flour for the recipe that I used but I note yours has plain flour. Do you think it would be ok to use self-raising flour and reduce baking powder to 1 tsp?
Comment by Divya - June 27, 2012 7:31 pm
Divya, yeah, letting the dough rest & etc, is pretty important, so let me know how it goes next time you bake!! :)
As for using self-raising flour, I don’t know how much BP it has inside, so I won’t be able to tell you wether it will work as a substitute. – I always use plain flour and BP separately – I never buy self-raising flour… – I’m sorry if I’m not much of a help…! Happy baking anyway!! xx
Comment by Tamami - June 27, 2012 7:56 pm
I meant to try this over the same weekend that I left my last comment but what with one thing and the other, it kept getting postponed. I got around to making them yesterday. Followed your directions to a T (even went and brought brushes and spatula similar to the ones you have used in the pictures). The result was absolutely, absolutely yummylicious. The scones were super tasty, buttery and total comfort food. I had them with jam, cream, plain and even vanilla custard and it was good every single time. I am going to be making these all the time now. I don’t know if you realize this but your recipes truly brighten people’s days all over the world. I was feeling a bit low and baking these really cheered me up. A heartfelt thank you :)
Comment by Poornima - June 29, 2012 1:51 pm
Aw, Poormina, your encouraging comment comes at super amazing timing – I was feeling low too…, I forgot to do two things for my children yesterday, & was feeling like a terrible mum – am also currently baking in a hot kitchen, the children are coming home any second from school & I am not going to be able to spend time with them, they are probably gonna be snacking on sofa watch telly longer than they are supposed to – I’m feeling terrible & unsure of what I am doing anymore. A heartfelt thank you to you too for the lovely comment. All the best, t xx
Comment by Tamami - June 29, 2012 2:28 pm
Hi Tami-chan! Thank you so much for these incredible tips! Scones are pretty much my favorite (esp. for breakfast :8), but it’s actually quite hard to get ‘right’ at home. I love your step-by-step pictorial, very Asian in feel, hehe! I always place my cookies/baked goods in a diagonal pattern – not knowing that improves air flow! Pure aesthetics for me, who knew?? Hope you and your family are having a great summer! :)
Comment by Hana - June 29, 2012 4:24 pm
*Tami=Tamami, of course! ;)
Comment by Hana - June 29, 2012 4:26 pm
Hana, he he, no problem!! :) And, ah! the diagonal placement of goods in the oven technique! Yup! You’ve obviously got the natural baking cap, young lady! :) xx
Comment by Tamami - June 30, 2012 12:36 am
Wonderful. Now I’m hunting for something to convert the recipe from say grams to ounces
and for the right oven temp. Any suggestions
on locating a good one ? The one I use is off line
The diagonal pattern works so well that I’m adopting it. Your explanation is the clearest I’ve found.
Many thanks
Comment by Caroline - July 12, 2012 12:10 pm
Hello Caroline! ah, as it turns out, I’m the opposite, I’m completely baffled by the other metric system…!! :( And as for a food conversion site, sorry no idea…!! If you do come across a good one, let me know please!! – – I’m glad you agree with the diagnal pattern for placement! :) xx
Comment by Tamami - July 12, 2012 12:39 pm
I just had to comment when I saw the note from Poornima re: the Enid Blyton novels. I was just cleaning some of childhood keepsakes out of my parents house over the weekend and came across some of Ms. Blyton’s novels (the “Famous Five” were my favorites). These scones really do remind me of the mentions of all the treats in those books. I love these tips – so helpful. What a fun post and comment section to read!
Comment by JB - July 12, 2012 2:14 pm
JB, thank you for leaving a comment! :)
Ah! the Famous Five!! After my son read his first ever Blyton book, the Magic Faraway Tree, he then went on to read the Wishing Chair, Secret Seven series (all 15 books) & now he is on his 13th book of the
Famous Five series!
– From the sounds of it, Blyton books tend to really leave an impression on people, don’t you think? – so many adults talk about them so positively! It makes me imagine how my son would also one day as an adult talk about them with such delight!
Comment by Tamami - July 12, 2012 2:53 pm
Thanks for the scone receipe. I`ve been looking for one. Would it be possible for you to provide information on how to convert your amounts into ounces and cups for an old American mother. Thank you. Terrific blog . Keep it up/ Elana
Comment by Elana Donovan - August 1, 2012 7:12 pm
Elana, thank you very much!! :) :) But, I’m sorry to say, I’m really not good at the conversion, I just can’t get my head around it…! Sorry…! but please do keep enjoying the blog! All the best, t x
Comment by Tamami - August 1, 2012 8:45 pm
I bake scones which I sell at a local market and I really enjoyed all of the information in this post. I have found when I make and shape the scones then freeze them it really helps with the “lift” and then on market day I take them out of the freezer, put on the egg wash and sugar sprinkle if required and then bake them. A great way to “do ahead”
Comment by Kathleen - August 1, 2012 9:32 pm
For conversion, if you have an iPhone or iPad the fastest is to download an app called Kitchen Pro, which is very handy. Otherwise there are a lot of conversion sites on the web. Two I found just by googling it are:
which is good for most general conversions. Then for equivalents (and some conversions there is:
Comment by ncm - August 1, 2012 10:10 pm
hmm… it seems the sw for comments removes all urls. Anyhow, just google it and explore.
Comment by ncm - August 1, 2012 10:11 pm
I love your blog but live in the states. Is there any chance that you could post your recipes with US measurements? I don’t know anything about cooking with grams but want to make your scones! :->
Thanks a million-
Comment by Jane - August 1, 2012 10:35 pm
Kathleen, wow, thank you for letting me know about freezing them.It’s good to know that it helps with the lift. A London hotel I did a little apprenticeship also did the same with their afternoon-tea scones, but with their high-tech quick flash freezer. t x
Ncm, ah, yes, sorry, the comments function setting here goes that I don’t allow urls to be displayed – simply because I want to stop those pesky automatic spam messages. – But what I do instead is the genuine messages which do have urls go to a ‘moderation’ list which I then allow after checking them. – – – Thank you for the tip, especially about the app – I’m gonna look in to downloading it later! t x
Jane, I get many requests for conversions… oh dear, maybe I ought to look into incorporating it in future recipe posts… – For now, please google for conversion websites. All the best, t x
Comment by tamami - August 1, 2012 11:01 pm
Look delicious. I’ve never tried plain ones, clotted cream is not available in my area. But I’ll try this one. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by sahrish ali - August 2, 2012 3:25 pm
Sahrish, thank you for looking up this recipe. I really like plain scones. I prefer them to the sultana ones! I also tried fresh fruits baked in the scones too – like blueberries, blackberries, etc, & it adds enormous flavour, I really recommend it! Good luck with the baking! All the best, t
Comment by Tamami - August 2, 2012 3:36 pm
To make light as feather scones, I add some soda water with milk. The bubbles perhaps help with the lightness. I also put the scones close to each other so they cook joined together. Half the fun is breaking them apart and getting the lovely soft sides. Who would have thought here could be so many variations on scones.
Comment by Jude Nolan - August 3, 2012 9:40 am
Hello Jude! Thank you for the tip about the soda water – it sounds interesting. I like your idea about baking it joined together, a bit like the hot-cross-buns huh? :)
Comment by Tamami - August 3, 2012 11:12 pm
WoW, its the very first time I read a blog ENTIRELY! Your way to write, and all those ideas you share with us are amazing. My sister and I made a new project of decorated cookies in Cancun Mexico, and all those tips you gave are just like refreshing water over our overheated hearts even more the part when you had that bad customer in the weekend sale. You are so inspiring :D thanks a lot, and we will keep reading you for long really :D and I think im gonna try the next weekend the honey cake :D (sorry the bad english grammar or spell… ^^)
Comment by Mariana - August 12, 2012 5:33 am
Mariana!, how amazing that you have read the entire blog!!!? Thank you! :) That is super special for me – thank you for letting me know. So you make decorated cookies in Mexico? It must get hot in the kitchen huh? Especially when working with the oven! Good luck! Txx
Comment by tamami - August 13, 2012 11:02 pm
Where r u?? I miss your posts……please, please come back!!
Comment by robyn - September 4, 2012 1:18 pm
Awwww…, o.m.g, Robyn!!! That’s super sweet of you! :) Time flies doesn’t it?? I can’t believe it’s September already!? I just looked at the date of this post – mid June…, oh my, yes, a new post is way over-due. – My son’s going back to school tomorrow, & my daughter next week I think, so I’ll try my bestest to update here! – Robyn, THANK YOU for your very special comment… T xx
Comment by Tamami - September 4, 2012 3:10 pm
I’ve missed your posts too!
Baked your lemon drizzle cake the other day – OMG it was soooo good! Lemon cake, lemon syrup, lemon toffee. It got eaten in a day and there’s only four of us.
I’ve not come across the technique where you whisk eggs and sugar over hot water before, then I tried your recipe and I came across another one for jaffa cakes using the same technique. Just out of curiosity, do you know where it came from?
Comment by Christina - September 6, 2012 9:30 am
Christina, awww, thank you…!!!! xxxxxxx I’m working on a new post, so I’ll be back blogging again hopefully soon :) But comments like yours really do help me motivate, so I really appreciate it!
As for the technique in question: it is actually a common one – often used when one wants to make genoise sponge for example, & compared to the usual separated egg meringue technique, it makes the sponge tender, as the bubbles within is alot smaller like cream.
The reason why we whisk above bain-marie is because we are mixing with egg yolk. Egg yolk as you might know has fats which stops egg whites from foaming, & that’s why we use squeaky-clean bowls when whisking mwringue, … but, the yolk+whites mix foams regardless over the heat, I think it’s because the egg has less resistance in high temperature.
Hope this helps!! Happy baking & thanks for the rave review about the lemon drizzle!
Comment by Tamami - September 6, 2012 11:06 am
Just to say thank you for this recipe: I tried it at the week-end and had 8 really nice scones. I should have done them a bit higher as mine were only 2 cm high when cut but some collapsed once baked. Just plain with homemade blackberry jam. This is THE recipe to keep for scones : no need to look for others.
Comment by Anne MC - September 23, 2012 7:18 am
Anne!! Sorry for the late reply!! Somehow your comment got through un-noticed! : (
Thank you very much for the fantastic review of the scone recipe! THE recipe for scones?! Woohoo!! That’s so amazing to be told!! Many many thanks!! T xx
Comment by tamami - September 25, 2012 8:49 am
Hey hey,
Love this recipe! It looks so simple (great for me as my history with scones isn’t great… lol!) and so tasty! I love your blog it has some really great recipes on it, so recently I decided to set up a blog of my own! Check it out at:
Many thx and much love,
Alex-Rose xxx
Comment by Alex-Rose - September 23, 2012 2:45 pm
Alex-Rose, so sorry that your comment went in to the ‘consideration pile’…!!! Any with links go there to avoid automated spams…! Anyway, welcome to the bloggy world! And thank you for linking back to me! Much appreciated!! Good luck with the new blog! Love the name! All the best, T xx
Comment by tamami - September 25, 2012 8:54 am
Hi Tamami san,
Do you mind telling me what kind of digital scale you are using? I’m thinking of buying one :)
Thank you!
Comment by Mai - February 16, 2013 12:00 pm
Hello, no prob!
I am using a:
I bought it from farnell.
It is expensive, but reliable. I wanted a 6kg one as I make big batches! I also wanted a metal platform for hot pans.
Hope this helps!! :)
Comment by tamami - February 17, 2013 9:59 am
Hi Tamami,
Thank you for your respond! Indeed that scale is quite expensive :), so I decided to order a cheaper one from Amazon instead. I can’t wait for receive it, so that I can try to make your lemon drizzle cake :)
I have spent the last two days reading every single entry in your blog. They are all so amazing and inspiring, and I just want to fly straight to the U.K right now to taste the cheesecake, the brownie, the lemon cake, the tarts….All of them!
Hopefully, I will have a chance to see you in the very near future!
Love from Finland,
Comment by Mai - February 20, 2013 9:18 pm
Wow~!!! You’re reading from Finland!? And you’ve read all of my posts?? Wowwwwww!! Thank you very much!! :) That’s so amazing to hear! – And the scales, I hope you like the one from Amazon!! Do let me know how you get on with your lemon drizzle cake! All the best from London, T xx
Comment by tamami - February 22, 2013 1:05 am
Hi, Tamami!
Your scones recipe yields the prettiest scones I ever bake, too bad that I was over kneading the dough so the texture a tad bit dense. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I think I should have a rematch with this recipe in the near future, be more gentle at mixing :)
Joy xoxo
ps: The visual of the scones I baked 2 years ago :
Comment by Joy - September 12, 2015 11:49 am
Hello Joy!
Sorry it took long to approve the comment!! Wowza!!!!!! It really does look deliciously good!!! Thank you for using my recipe!! And also, may I say, you are really great at taking pictures & also at table-setting… I’m jealous… I’m not so good at taking pics…, especially when it comes to table-setting…!!!
Comment by tamami - September 14, 2015 12:01 pm
Hello Tamami!
Thank you for the compliments! Lol, I got lucky in taking that scones picture(75% pictures in that instagram account is my friend’s photos). Btw you’re being ridiculous if you said you aren’t great at taking pictures since I love them, they have warmth-cozy quality that I love :) . Regarding table-setting I mostly follow you style because table-setting/styling is not my forte ;)
Joy x0x0
ps: your french toast is in my “next to do” list, but I have to bake bread bread first… . I’ll report back as soon as possible :)
Comment by Joy - September 16, 2015 8:51 am
Hi Joy! Ahhh, thank you…!!! Your words gives me confidence. I’m so iffy with the camera though, I ought to swat up on it, but I can’t bring up much enthusiasm… LOL.
Btw, the french toast, it’s super simple! :) Happy Baking Joy!! T xx
Comment by tamami - September 16, 2015 3:58 pm
Hello Tamami,
after my last comment from Sept 2012, this is still my preferred recipe for scones. I tried to take a picture on
The great thing about your recipes is that they are not just good but also very well explained . Thanks for sharing.
Anne MC
Comment by Anne - September 21, 2015 7:20 pm
AAA! Hello Anne!!!! :) :)
Nice one!! It looks amazing! And what? Part stoneground wholewheat flour?! Hmmmm~!!! Wow, I’ve never tried making these with wholewheat! Sounds like a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing the pics Anne! You know good food! xxx
Comment by tamami - September 23, 2015 10:49 am