January 19th, 2017

Happy new year 2017.

It’s a new year, a new beginning…


Belated happy new year everyone!


How is 2017 panning out for you so far? Back to the usual routine by now?


Personally, what with what’s going on, welcoming this new year feels a bit like starting with the dreaded next chapter in a book where the last chapter ended badly.


And indeed, this new year started off on the wrong foot. I was straight back for treatment on the very next day we came back from our Germany trip… Aw dear readers…, I couldn’t help but feel miserable :( it was like an unwelcome reminder of how 2017 is going to be for me… You know, it felt like reality face slapping. Ouch. (sigh…)


BUT…! And there is always a ‘but’, right? :)


Just yesterday, on my way home from the radiotherapy session in town, as I watched a guy climbing up the stairs two-steps at a time, I copied & I did too! Just imagine me taking big strides on the steps at Kings Cross station! Lol. The point is, I think my energy is coming back, I CAN FEEL IT. As well as skipping the steps, I’ve been making it a mission to walk on the escalators to clock in more step counts too. And using the stairs instead of taking the lifts! I think it’s paying off. :)


PLUS…! I come with amazing news to share with you.


Folks, Coco&Me has received its first ever Christmas present!!!! Our fabulous/ genius/ uber-kind bestie Mr.A (who we stayed with in Germany) has SUPER kindly offered to update the site so that it is mobile responsive! (Yah, I know, you don’t need to tell me, like, ‘finally’ huh?) When Mr.A handed me a Christmas card of a hand holding a mobile, I didn’t ‘get’ it, but when he explained, oh my gosh I was sooooo extremely happy, I cried! :) :) :)




Mr.A, You know what you did? You brightened the start of 2017 for me. And your show of kindness will positively glow in my soul. :) Thank you so much.


In detail, not only will the site become mobile responsive, he will be creating a proper recipe page where all the recipes I’ve posted in the last 10 years will be easily accessible.


What’s more, the graphics will all be in vector so that it’a crisp-looking, and and and… ah yes, I’ve taken this opportunity to start on INSTAGRAM!!!!


You’ll find me on: https://www.instagram.com/_coco_and_me_/


Ha ha, again, like finally, right…!? I know that it won’t look as beautiful as the others nor will I be uploading pictures so strategically, but I’ll give it a shot in my own way!


Not sure when we’re rolling out the remodelled website, but when it does, I hope that you’ll like it & agree that it is a major improvement!


T xx


  1. Happy new year, dear Tamami! So sorry to read that you had to start the year with treatment but you really impress me with your positive outlook and I am sure that 2017 will turn into a great year for you! How unbelievably nice of your friend to do this for you! One really good friend you have there!

    Comment by Cynthia - January 20, 2017 3:37 pm

  2. Ahh! Hi Cynthia~!! Happy new year to you too~!!

    Yes, it was indeed a depressing beginning… but the prospect of having a remodelled website soon is making me happy & excited! It definitely keeps me off the “blues”!! :)
    And yes! Mr.A is seriously an amazing guy & it’s an absolute honour to be his friend! :)

    Cynthia, have a great 2017~~~! xx

    Comment by Tamami - January 20, 2017 4:38 pm

  3. Happy New Year, Tamami! I echo what your friend Cynthia says, it is so nice to see you are so positive about your treatment and condition. Keep on feeling like this, it helps I know.
    All the best for the coming year, I look forward to seeing your new remodelled website, although I have always enjoyed it as it is anyway. xx

    Comment by Jeannette - January 21, 2017 3:59 pm

  4. Hi!! Happy new year to you too Jeannette!! Aww… thank you…! I’m trying, I’m trying!! :) :) :) Life is too short to be sad, I’m sure you’ll agree? It stops one from actually doing things…, especially from moving forward! (wherever that path leads to)
    I really appreciate your encouragement. Thank you so much Jeannette! xx And you have a great 2017 too~!! xx

    Comment by Tamami - January 22, 2017 12:54 am

  5. That’s great news about the site. Although I enjoy it as it is and don’t own a smartphone (I have a silly phone, lol) some improvements are necessary.
    Speaking of website improvements and doing something NOT for the money… I started off the new year by (voluntarily) working on a website. This was my first time doing this and I loved it! I didn’t have any time for cooking, eating, going to the toilet, writing you a comment or you know anything but I enjoyed every moment of it. Guess I was hangry for some real work, haha (I’m a housewife!). Glad to hear your energy is up up up! I got my mental fingers crossed for you all the time!

    Comment by minik - January 22, 2017 7:56 pm

  6. Hello Minik!!!
    I’m relieved to hear that you don’t mind the site as it is! It’s not been modified for 10 years, can you believe it!? But I guess the design stood up to the test of time…! ;-)
    I can really tell from how you write that the work you did for a website was tremendous fun for you! Wow! Maybe is it going to be a very different 2017 for you? ;-)
    Good luck with everything that you do, Minik!!! And thank you always for your super-nice comment!!! xx

    Comment by Tamami - January 22, 2017 8:50 pm

  7. Hi Tamami! I just discovered your fantastic blog and wonderful recipes, hooray! We were friends on our art foundation course together many years ago, I don’t know if you remember me- I had lots of red hair (I still do!) I shall very much enjoy reading your blog now. Wishing you all the very best,
    love Lis xx

    Comment by Elisabeth Lenz - February 5, 2017 4:30 pm

  8. Hello Liz!!!!!!!!
    Yessss! Of course I remember you!!!! :-)
    Thank you so much for finding me! :-)
    I saw your Facebook message also, so sorry that I haven’t replied back yet…Lame excuse but I have been busy lately… … I’ll contact you properly! love, t xxx

    Comment by Tamami - February 5, 2017 8:11 pm

  9. Hello Tamami, Thinking of you and hoping that all is going well for you. Good wishes from me to you!

    Comment by Jeannette - March 13, 2017 9:44 am

  10. Dear Jeannette,
    Thank you so much for the most kind wishes… All is fine. Finished chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I have to go back to treatment once every three weeks for a ‘top-up’, for the rest of this year, but otherwise it shouldn’t be any thing more than that. I have found it quite traumatic and still have good days and bad days. Today, it is beautiful outside, so sunny and so warm. The birds seem to sing louder too. But in contrast, today I felt a little down, the strong weather seems to sap energy out of me.- But, there are more good days than bad days now so please no worries! Your message comes at good timing to remind myself to get over it and get on! – I hope you are doing well Jeannette!!!! :) :) :) xx

    Comment by Tamami - March 13, 2017 12:58 pm

  11. Tammy,thank you for responding so quickly, I know you must be tired at this time, but I am pleased you have had the worst of your treatment over with. Onward and upward now, hopefully more good days than bad ones. I think of you often, hope you and your family have a good summer. xxx

    Comment by Jeannette - March 13, 2017 6:51 pm

  12. Thank you so much Jeannette! It’s so heart warming to have lovely people like you think for me. Really, thank you…! xxx

    Comment by Tamami - March 13, 2017 9:25 pm

  13. Hello Tamami, I hope things are as well as they can be. I am always thinking of you and sending you healing thoughts but I don’t want to bug you by messaging you all the time. So I just check the comments, and feel happy when there is an update from you. I hope you are recovering well and that the good days are far outnumbering the bad ones now. Please look after yourself well and know that there are many people who are thinking of you and wishing you well. Lots of love – Poornima

    Comment by Poornima - April 1, 2017 11:30 pm

  14. Hi Poornima!
    Awwww…, what a heart warming message! Thank you!!!!!! I’m actually really fine, it’s more a case of lacking the enthusiasm to blog…!!! :-( :-( Lol…
    However I have been a good girl and have been posting regularly on instagram at least! So please check it out!

    I’m in Japan right now. Visiting my folk in Tokyo, and then from the 6th, we are borrowing a car to drive around the country for a whole week. Tokyo is nice, but I really look forward to the countryside! :-)

    As well as dealing with having had cancer, it was having to give up the work I really loved that took a blow for me. I mourn this still. I really miss working too.

    Instead I pour the same amount of passion for savoury cooking nowadays, I have always loved cooking anyways so I am hoping that I can perhaps turn this in to something new for me!

    Poornima, thanx for your kind message! It’s about time I post something here right?!

    Hope you are well!


    Comment by Tamami - April 3, 2017 12:25 pm

  15. I am so so happy that you are doing well Tamami, the tour of Japan sounds wonderful. I hope you will post some pictures when you find the time, esp of the countryside.
    I can understand you are missing work, it often becomes a part of our identity. But please consider this as an opportunity to relax and to get your body to the healthiest you can. And I am sure you are doing amazingly well with your savoury recipes as well. After all, life needs a bit of sweet and savoury :)
    Ooh, I never realised you are on instagram, nice… I will follow you :). I think I do sound a bit like a stalker, I am scaring myself.
    Take care and enjoy your trip, and yeah please do get back to blogging when you feel upto it. Love – Poornima

    Comment by Poornima - April 3, 2017 5:46 pm


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