I bought a non-plastic kettle!
Hi-hi everyone! This time, I’d like to show off my brand spanking new kitchen equipment!
_Hello, nice to meet you Mrs. Kettle, welcome to mine! :) :) :)
Ta-da~!!!!! It’s an ALL-STAINLESS-STEEL electric kettle by Ottoni Fabbrica & it’s non-plastic!!! Ooh it makes me so happy! :)
I do slightly fear that I may come across as a bit silly getting all excited over just a kettle…, lol, but you’ve gotta understand (!)
this is a cumulative result of me searching high & low for a non-plastic kettle for an age! Did you know that finding a kettle with absolutely zilch plastic parts is really hard?! You’d think that the stainless steel kettles out there on the market would be good enough, right?, but no…, they all have some sort of plastic part that would be in contact with the boiling water. For example the mesh lime scale filter by the spout – it has a plastic frame… And if the kettle has a a water level window on the side, that’s going to be made out of plastic too.
_Inside shot
_The kettle by Ottoni Fabbrica has a stainless steel mesh filter on the spout side. The mesh is the same height as the kettle, & although it doesn’t look it, it is actually removable for washing!
You’re probably wondering what the fuss is all about, right? Well, I’m on a mission to get away from the plastics. This is because I worry about harmful cancerous chemicals entering mine & my family’s body. My personal concern is especially bisphenol A (BPA) that mimics the oestrogen hormone. Was it this that fed my hormone-receptive breast cancer…? Having had the first-hand experience of cancer, where ever I can, I prefer to err on the side of caution.
“…Â considerable data indicate that exposure of humans to BPA is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, miscarriages, decreased birth weight at term, breast and prostate cancer, reproductive and sexual dysfunctions, altered immune system activity, metabolic problems and diabetes in adults, and cognitive and behavioral development in young children”
Mind you, it’s not just bisphenol A (BPA) that’s bad…, yikes…:
“Three plastics have been shown to leach toxic chemicals when heated, worn or put under pressure: polycarbonate, which leaches bisphenol A; polystyrene, which leaches styrene; and PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, which break down into vinyl chloride and sometimes contains phthalates that can leach.”
(Quoted from breast cancer fund)
So, here’s my review about the use of an all-stainless kettle in general & specifically about the Ottoni Fabbrica kettle:
- In general, an all-stainless kettle has no plastic parts touching the water. It’s strong material will likely last for a long time. Stainless also doesn’t impart or absorb flavors or smells.
- The Ottoni Fabbrica kettle is considerably a lot quieter than the plastic kettle I had previously! And the design of the spout on the Ottoni Fabbrica kettle is really nice – it pours water beautifully. Also worth mentioning is the large opening on the top which makes putting the water in easier.
- In general, an all-stainless kettle is heavier than it’s plastic cousin. In my opinion, elderly people might find it cumbersome. It also gets pretty hot to the touch on the outside wall.
- The Ottoni Fabbrica kettle is expensive compared to the standard price-point of it’s plastic cousin. The handle is still plastic (but atleast it’s not touching the water directly). I wish the handle was wooden…! It’ll really suit the rustic appearance of the kettle! Using wood will make these kettles truly plastic-free!
By the way, as far as I know, this is the only all-stainless steel interior electric kettle that I know which is available to the UK market.
The Ottoni Fabbrica kettles comes in two different shapes. To make the decision to choose harder, they have these in  an assortment of twenty colours & finishes to colour-match your kitchen! Below are the four that I liked the best:Â
Ottoni Fabbrica Italian Top Kettle “Alice Bianco” 2400W 1,7 L
The colour-combo of white & silver reminds me of my iPhone!
Ottoni Fabbrica Italian Top Kettle “Alice Nero” 2400W 1,7 L
I like simplicity, so this one with the black handle was a possible candidate. It’s a classic look that you won’t get tired of.
Ottoni Fabbrica Italian Top Kettle “Alice Elegance” 2400W 1,7 L
Similarly, how about an all-black one like this?? Rather slick don’t you think? It oozes calm modernity. Oh choices, choices…! :)
And then this is the one I went for. Ottoni Fabbrica Italian Top Kettle “Fjord Satinato” 2400W 1,7 L. It’s over twenty pounds more expensive than the others… but I liked the shape of the spout, & I liked the brushed stainless steel surface. I think the somewhat retro/ vintage-y/ nostalgic appearance is rather charming!
Btw, if you’re reading from the US, there are these that I found:
Precise Heat Electric Water Kettle – ​
The inside is definitely non-plastic! And it looks slightly similar to this one. ​
Kitchen Gizmo Double-Walled Kettle – ​
The inside is definitely non-plastic! But does look plasticky on the outside. ​
Secura SWK-1701DB Stainless Steel Kettle – ​
Again, the inside is definitely non-plastic! But does look plasticky on the outside. ​
Elementi Premier Gooseneck Kettle – ​ ​
This one is especially for making tea and coffee! ​
Anyways, I hope this write-up helped and guided you in the right direction! Happy shopping~!>
Hello Tamami!
Thanks for opening my eyes on this! I have never thought hard about my plastic kettle being toxic for my health. I was thinking of replacing it soon so i have already bookmarked the link to those kettles on amazon.
I hope that all is well,
Louise xx
Comment by Louise - November 11, 2016 11:22 am
Hello Louise! Yes, all is well, thank you! And thank you for leaving a comment~! I can recommend this kettle highly! It’s quiet & I think the water tastes good too!! :) I’m glad you found the link attached to the images. I bought mine on Amazon and it was delivered really quickly. :) xx
Comment by Tamami - November 11, 2016 12:12 pm
I hadn’t considered the possibility of plastic leaching into water before. Thanks for the helpful info, Tamami-san, and your new kettle is very charming! Electric kettles are not too common in Southern California – probably because it’s perpetually summer here. I’ve had a Simplex kettle for years. Recently, I noticed it was looking quite shabby and searched for a new one. I was surprised to learn that they’re now selling for $300. I’ll settle for my old, shabby one then.
Comment by Yoshiko Yeto - November 12, 2016 3:08 am
Hi Tamami!
I am really enjoying these latest posts. It’s great to see you turning your attention to detail to these health going subjects! I am a massive brown rice fan but the idea that it can be all soft and fluffy like white rice is a revelation. Gonna give your rice tips a go… And as for the kettle this is such a good point!! Never thought of the plastic inside.
Sounds like it’s all onwards and upwards for you at the moment! Xxxx
Comment by Ari - November 12, 2016 12:29 pm
Hello Yoshiko san!
How intriguing that electric kettles are not so common in California! I never knew! Here in U.K. it is pretty much the standard. Though this conversation reminds me that in Japan it’s the warm dispenser called “denki-potto” isn’t it, or a “yakan” I suppose.
– I’ve had a quick google on the Simplex – ooh they are so beautiful!!! I never knew about this brand! And it’s British! I’d love to one day get hold of this… somehow I have a feeling that it’ll still look good even if it is shabby! xx
Comment by Tamami - November 12, 2016 4:22 pm
Hi~~~ Ari!!!! Ooh, thank you for checking my blog out! :) Yup, it’s all about healthy now, lol. You’d think that I’ll get thinner from this endeavour perhaps, but my appetite’s pretty big, and I’m experimenting loads of recipes and consequently eating them all (waste not want not right?) I have maybe lost just 1kg despite! Ha ha. – Hope all’s well Ari, your flower pic is still on my iPhone. xxxx
Comment by Tamami - November 12, 2016 5:08 pm
Sweet kettle! In my area, if not the country, you can buy BPA free plastics, when the product is made to come in contact with liquids. Even then, I prefer no plastic as I still wonder if the hot water causes plastics to shed.
Comment by Jonquil - November 14, 2016 11:02 am
Thank you Jonquil!
I think your precaution is definitely justified!! – I read that:
“All chemicals used to manufacture a plastic resin are almost never fully disclosed by the manufacturer who also typically does not know what additional chemicals might be generated by polymer synthesis at high temperatures (e.g., >230°C) and pressures. ”
… So even though it maybe BPA free, we don’t 100% know wether the the other types of plastics have health risks also … Whilst it’s near-impossible to lead a completely plastic free lifestyle, I have reduced plastic usage a lot! Like, no cling-film, no tupperware & no plastic Ziploc bags. – I’ve been reading up alot about this subject recently!! :) :)
Comment by Tamami - November 14, 2016 3:17 pm
Love these posts! I was just about to brag about my ceramic kettle – but yes, it has a plastic level thingie inside! Never considered that!
The yakan (beautiful! would love some of those, aaah) looks like the thing we use for brewing tea here in Turkey; search for “caydanlik” – they are traditionally in stainless steel without plastic parts. You use them on the stove…
I’m loving the Simplex look! So rustic… Although on models like that the handle gets too hot from the stove. My mother in law has an enamel one that looks like that. Wow so many many things to talk about, just over a kettle ;)
In our house hold we have an aversion to plastic things – the ones we do have are hidden, like the laundry basket my husband wants to throw out, haha. Yes, going plastic free is expensive but what is more valuable than our health? Governments should restrict the production of plastic household items… but sadly, we can all see that they are encouraging it. I’m starting to get political; hope all is well and I wish you good times with your kettle!
Comment by minik - November 14, 2016 6:39 pm
I so understand your search for the perfect kettle. I have believed in the dangers of plastic that is heated for a long time since I heard in a class that those who perish in fires do so because of breathing the toxins that are emitted from plastics, treated carpets, etc., and not the actual fire. I have avoided plastic containers unless they will always be kept cold (maybe even that is not good?) I have tried my best to get an electric kettle without plastic and we have a glass one, but as you say, the filter and spout are plastic. Sooooo, you have motivated me to search again, and thank you for posting this!! Best regards! xx
Comment by Heidy - November 14, 2016 8:33 pm
Hi Minik!!
Oooo ceramic kettle! How unusual! Sounds beautiful, I’m sure it can come in all sorts of colours and patterns! And about the caydanlik – aha! Thank you for opening my eye to this interesting object, first time to hear about it! I guess it works on a same principle as the coffee percolator? I’m not accustomed to Turkish cuisine…, so question: does the tea taste quite strong then?
– I agree with you about it getting expensive – I want to buy more stainless steel food boxes, and replace my toothbrush to a natural bristled one, etc etc, but now that I’m not earning, frugality and thriftiness is the way to be right now! Lol… One step at a time, one step at a time…!
T xx
Comment by Tamami - November 15, 2016 4:28 pm
Hello Heidy!
Ahhh it’s my pleasure! I also was aware of the dangers of plastic from before but the busy modern lifestyle kept me from taking any action about it, shame on me! It’s about time isn’t it for me to look out for myself!
Plastic containers are indeed really useful aren’t they! Please take this with a pinch of salt but I have read that old and scratched plastic containers might be detrimental to health, so perhaps your scepticism on containers wether hot or cold is worthwhile the consideration? Sigh, the plastics issue is like having opening a Pandora’s box! :( – endless complications to have to think about!
T xx
Comment by Tamami - November 15, 2016 4:44 pm
Nooo, it’s a totally different thing from a percolator. The base is used to boil water, the upper part is where you brew the tea. After the initial boil, you put loose tea leaves inside the smaller pot and use some of the boiled water to steep the tea. Then you. put the whole thing on top of the smallest flame. After 15 minutes it’s ready to use. When it’s time to serve, you dilute the concentrate with hot water from the big pot as much as you like. So the strong-ness is up to you. Another advantage is that you can have tea for at least 20 minutes… after that the concentrate is not that fresh anymore and tastes too harsh. Traditionally you serve tea in “cay bardagi” – small cute glasses, google it.
Yes, frugality is a thing here too right now – not that I’m complaining :) Now that you have free time: Maybe you can take up a new hobby? Playing a music instrument is very relaxing. Like every new thing, it’s hard but very rewarding!
Comment by minik - November 18, 2016 12:12 pm
Hi Minik! How interesting! Thank you for the explanation! So you boil water on the bottom then make the tea on top! I like that you can adjust the strength of tea! And how it keeps the tea pot warm by keeping it on top of the bottom part.
It’s interesting also that it’s drank in glasses without a handle. Japanese tea is also poured into a tea cup that has no handles. The tea cups are called ‘yunomi chawan’ and it is often white inside so that one can admire the emerald green colour of the tea!
– Btw, taking up a new hobby…, hm.., I’ll have a think…, I’m crap when it comes to playing any sort of musical instruments! Lol. xx
Comment by Tamami - November 18, 2016 4:54 pm
I was curious as to why the yunomi tea cups have no handles, so I googled – the answer was this:
– – you can check the temperature of the tea with the palm. If it is too hot one can naturally understand to wait and cool it down a bit and avoid scorching your mouth. Japanese tea is best when it is drank at 60 to 70 degrees, quite low, so it makes sense.
– – Another interesting reason why it doesn’t have a handle is because by directly handling the cup, you can feel and admire the texture of the pottery. Sometimes it is the smoothness, or sometimes it is the rough bobbliness.
I think this is rather charming! :)
Comment by Tamami - November 18, 2016 5:23 pm
Hmmm, Japanese pottery, I love thee so much! Japan has such a good taste in colors, shapes an aesthetic in general. That is quite interesting indeed! The reason our glasses are transparent is a similar concern; to see the red color of the tea. And also, yes – no handles means real “hands on experience” right?!
Re hobby; well, everybody sucks when they pick up something new – that’s just natural! Anyway, when it’s winter we make masala chai concentrate by mixing up spices and brewing it for a few hours and it makes the house smell fantastic. Now that it’s getting colder here I think it’s time! And also: All this tea talk has “inspired” me right now, haha :)
Comment by minik - November 18, 2016 5:53 pm
Also, what is inthat jar in the first picture? Is it something to eat?? :)
Comment by minik - November 18, 2016 5:55 pm
Masala chai that is brewed for few hours?! Wow wow wow! Again something I haven’t heard of! You’re really teaching me new things! :) Can I ask how you do that? I’m super curious, I would love to do the same! I HAVE to! I can just imagine the aroma you mention in the house!!! Must be so wonderful/ heavenly… sigh…
Ps: oh! The jar in the pic? It’s a vinegar and sugar pickle of daikon radish/ carrot/ kombu seaweed. I’m ‘in’ to vinegary food and behold fondly the crunch crunch crunch sound when eating raw veg… xx
Comment by Tamami - November 18, 2016 11:07 pm
Tamami, I use this recipe:
And yes, crunch is good! We have a jar of fermented cabbage, carrot and unripe tomato pickles and I’ve been drinking the juice more than I dare to admit :)
Comment by minik - November 21, 2016 10:47 am
Hoping friends & family are all ok from this latest quake!
Comment by Jonquil - November 22, 2016 12:02 am
Oh how sweet of you Jonquil!
Yes, they were all okay! Japanese are super-aware, cautious & prepared for earthquakes, trained from early age in schools about how to evacuate, – although news of big powerful earthquakes are so scary… Can’t believe it was in Fukushima again… :( I wish the country would shutdown all nuclear power plants… Did you know that the 2011 Fukushima power plant is still leaking radioactive waste? It’s been 5 years since…!
Comment by Tamami - November 22, 2016 3:15 pm
Hi Tamami, I enjoyed reading the kettle article because I made the same experience lately when I was looking for a new one, too. The only product I found with the less amount of plastic parts is from the company GRAEFF (http://household.graef.de/program/electric-kettle/Stainless-Steel-Electric-Kettle-WK-900), I think it’s German. But yours beats this obviously, great choice!
Best wishes
Comment by Andreas - December 2, 2016 11:36 pm
Hello Minik!
So sorry for the late reply…! As you probably already know, comments with links get stuck in a ‘consideration’ folder for me to review first…
Thank you so much for the link! Wow, I can just imagine the aroma that must fill the house when you boil it down!!! :)
And, drinking the pickle juice ei? :) Sounds like a healthy habit! :)
Comment by tamami - December 13, 2016 11:44 am
Hi Andreas, so so sorry for the late reply…
And oh my gosh, what a beautiful looking kettle you bought! Reading the page, it says it has a child lock?! Kettle with a child-lock, that’s a new one. I guess it’s to stop them from using it just incase they burn themselves, right? :) I guess by now you have had a good use – how is it? I’m a bit jealous of the temperature control!
Comment by tamami - December 13, 2016 11:52 am
The kettle is great, thank you. Although the top isn’t entirely made out of steel. I guess that everywhere where you some kind of mechanism, plastic is involved unfortunately. I didn’t realize that there is a child-lock to be honest and I wonder where it sits?!
Comment by Andreas - December 16, 2016 10:52 am
Hi Andreas! Well, it’s very good looking kettle nevertheless! My Russian scientist friend has a similar kettle that has temperature control, & she absolutely loves it, swears by it, because she’s ‘in’ to drinking teas big time! – And yes I was surprised to see that they mentioned child lock in the spec! :) It’s depicted on the 3rd pic on the link you gave me! Have a look! :) x
Comment by Tamami - December 16, 2016 11:29 am
Comment by Niki - September 4, 2018 12:40 pm
Would you still recommend this kettle? Did you have any problems with rust? If not where can I get one?
Comment by Niki - September 4, 2018 12:41 pm
Hi Niki! Yes! I definitely do still recommend this kettle! I use it still now, and infact, just made my self a nice coffee with the hot water, to sip as I write this. What’s good about it is the handle never gets hot. There won’t be rust, because it’s stainless steel too. And the knowledge that it doesn’t have any plastic touching the drinking water is priceless! – The link to the product is the underlined “red text” in the last paragraphs. :) Hope this helps!
Comment by Tamami - September 4, 2018 1:22 pm